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3 Ways To Use Whiteboards To Your Advantage

1. Use them as a calendar

So many people get caught up in their day to day lives and many deadlines, appointments and meetings are missed because they don't use a calendar!  Simply using a whiteboard for your calendar will greatly enhance organization and responsibility.

2. Set your goals

One of the biggest keys to goal setting is making sure that you know exactly what you are working for every single day.  If you purchased a whiteboard and put it up in your room, office or home with all your goals written out, it would be much more effective than just trying to remember them.. day in and day out.

3. Brainstorming

Whether you are starting a business, managing a business, going out with friends or just trying to pick a show on Netflix to watch, a whiteboard can be extremely useful as a brainstorming tool!  

These are three ways to use your whiteboards to your advantage :)